Originally from Ohio, also known as the heartland, I grew up with a welcoming, down-to-earth, relaxed, and friendly lifestyle. I continue to carry the values of openness, authenticity, acceptance, and genuine connection. I completed my Bachelors of Science in Psychology in South Carolina where my focus was heavily on research of clinical depression and various systems within the brain, specifically the vestibular system. I then moved down here to the Tampa/St. Pete area to complete my Masters of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Psychology. I love learning and spend a lot of time reading literature on mental health and wellness.
My journey towards becoming a therapist began at a very young age when I watched my loved ones struggle with mental health conditions. I wanted to understand their experiences and learn how to support them, which fueled my academic drive and love for learning. My personal experiences have also equipped me with the ability to be comfortable with discomfort, making me adept at holding space for people who have faced tough circumstances. I understand what it’s like to live through adversity and the shame that’s too often attached to it as we move through life.
I believe that therapy is about creating a meaningful connection, and I’m here to guide you through your journey of transformation and change or offer a listening ear when you need it.
I specialize in providing support to adolescents, teens, adults, dealing with various challenges, including anxiety, depression, anger, trauma, grief, and relationship struggles. My therapeutic approach is rooted in person-centered therapy (Rogerian therapy), emphasizing collaboration and teamwork between us. I believe that you are the expert in your life, and I am here as the expert in therapy to assist you.
I believe therapy can be molded into whatever you need it to be, with opportunities to be silly, open, and unapologetically yourself. Starting therapy can be intimidating, but it’s a courageous step towards your continued growth. Change isn’t always linear, and it can be challenging, but I’m honored to join you in your healing journey.
My Approach: As a therapist, my style is casual, warm, and understanding. I am dedicated to creating a safe and trusting space where you can openly explore the impact of your experiences, thoughts, and behaviors on your life. In our sessions, you can freely express yourself without the fear of judgment or dismissal. I see myself as your advocate and cheerleader, helping you realize your strengths and use them to your advantage. I incorporate a range of therapeutic techniques, including ACT, CBT, MI, DBT, Cognitive Coping, Solution-focused, and Mindfulness-based interventions, tailored to your unique needs and goals.
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